

Since its inception in 1948, Bhartiya Adim Jati Sevak Sangh has committed to the all-round and all-inclusive development of the tribes both nomadic and denotified, i.e. Vimukta, tribal communities residing in the deserted faraway vicinities and isolated hamlets. The object could be attained by promoting their socio-cultural and economic progress. Further, BAJSS is committed to safeguard their constitutional rights with a view to enable them to take their legitimate share in the national life of the country as equal citizens. To attain the sublime objective, with the dedicated network of it branches and affiliated institutions, BAJSS is coordinating the giant multi-focal and multi-dimensional tasks on Pan-India level. So far, the institution is fulfilling the crucial role as a spearheading implementing agency for various welfare programmes launched by Ministry of Tribal Welfare and Ministry of Woman & Child Development, Government of India. BAJSS along with its confederation of affiliated and recognized institutions has offered a unique kind of contribution in the vital segments like Child care, Education, Eradication of Social Injustice and Women Empowerment. BAJSS has coordinated various activities as follows.

Women Helpline Center

Bharatiya Adim Jati Sevak Sangh, Vidarbha, Nagpur(Maharashtra) has been conducting women helpline centre for women and girls in distress at Nagpur, Maharashtra for rendering them counseling and if necessary referring to legal aid, police assistance, vocational training, employment / financial aid, shelter and also human right cell for solving their problem of marital maladjustment and personality disorder, interference of parents / in-laws extra marital relations, alcohol / drug addiction, economic crisis, unmarried mother, rape case, divorce matter and sexual abuse.